David’s Blog

Thoughts from David, non specific to what we do, just a place to say what’s on my mind and to have a blether.

9 04, 2020

Modular Exhibition Stands at BETT

By |2023-11-14T12:37:10+00:00April 9th, 2020|Categories: David's Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on Modular Exhibition Stands at BETT

Bett 2020 was an exhibition I really wanted to have a close look at to see how prevalent modular exhibition stands were becoming. It's the main industry showcase for Education Technology and there are always some pretty cool stands there.  The thing I've noticed is that more and more larger companies are working with smaller stand spaces and smaller budgets and then you have the smaller companies that are moving up from shell scheme stands to their first space only stand. Thing is they all want to get the maximum impact to generate interest when they are at the exhibition. So [...]

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